- 13th Vineyard by CADE
- 1881 Napa
- 4 Winds Winery
- 601 Cellars
- Abiouness Wines
- Abreu Vineyards
- Accendo Cellars
- Ackerman Family Vineyards
- ACME Fine Wines
- Acre Wines
- Acumen Wines
- Ad Vivum Cellars
- Adastra Winery
- Adversity Cellars
- Aequitas Vineyards
- Afterwords Wine
- AJ Pearce Wines
- Allora Vineyards
- Almacerro
- Alpha Omega Winery
- Alta Napa Valley
- Altamura Winery
- Amici Cellars
- Amizetta Estate Winery
- Amlés Wine
- AMPL Wine
- Amulet Estate
- Ancien Wines
- Anderson’s Conn Valley Vineyards
- Andretti Winery
- Andrew Geoffrey Vineyards
- Angwin Estate Vineyards
- Annulus Cellars
- Anomaly Vineyards
- Anthem Winery
- Antinori Napa Valley
- Aonair Wines
- Appellation Trading Company
- Appellations Cellar
- Apsara Cellars
- Aratas Wine
- Arietta
- Arkenstone Vineyards
- ARNYCA Cellars
- Arrow&Branch
- Artesa Winery
- Ashes & Diamonds Winery
- Au Sommet Napa Valley
- Aubert Wines
- August Briggs Winery
- Aum Cellars
- Avinodos Wines
- AXR Napa Valley
- Azur Wines
- B Cellars
- Bacio Divino Cellars
- Backroom Wines
- Backstage Wines
- Baldacci Family Vineyards
- Ballentine Vineyards
- Barbour Vineyards
- Barlow Vineyards
- Barnett Vineyards
- Barrett & Barrett Wine
- Battuello Vineyards
- Beau Vigne Napa Valley
- Beaucanon Estate
- Beaulieu Vineyard
- Behrens Family Winery
- Bell Wine Cellars
- Bella Oaks Wine
- Bella Union Winery
- Bello Family Vineyards
- Belted Vines
- Benessere Vineyards
- Benevolent Neglect Wines
- Bennett Lane Winery
- Benton Family Wines
- Bergman Estate
- Beringer Vineyards
- Bevan Cellars
- Black Cat Vineyard
- Black Cordon Vineyards
- Black Sears
- Black Stallion Winery
- Blackbird Vineyards
- Blankiet Estate
- Bluford Wines
- Boeschen Vineyards
- Boich Family Cellar
- Bonita Bonita Wine
- Bouchaine Vineyards
- Bougetz Cellars
- Bounty Hunter
- Boyd Family Vineyards
- Bragg Vineyards
- BRAND Napa Valley
- Brannan Wines
- Brasswood Cellars
- Bravante Vineyards
- Bread & Butter Wines
- Bremer Family Winery
- Brilliant Mistake Wines
- BRION Wines
- Brown Estate
- Buehler Vineyards
- Buhman Estate Vineyards
- Bunter Spring Winery
- Buoncristiani Family Winery
- Bure Family Wines
- Burgess Cellars
- Burly Wine
- Buselli Wines
- BYDAND Wines
- Ca’ Momi Winery
- CADE Estate Winery
- Cain Vineyard & Winery
- Cakebread Cellars
- Calafia Cellars
- Caldwell Vineyard
- Calla Lily Estate & Winery
- CAMi Vineyards
- Canard Vineyard
- Cardano Estate Wines
- Cardinale Estate
- Carneros della Notte
- Caro Nonno Wines
- Carte Blanche Wine
- Carter Cellars
- Casa Piena
- Caspar Estate
- Castello di Amorosa
- Castellucci Napa Valley
- Castiel Estate
- Castlevale Winery
- Cathiard Vineyard
- Caymus Vineyards
- Ceja Vineyards
- Celani Family Vineyards
- Cervantes Family Vineyards
- Chaix Wines
- CHANDON California
- Chappellet Winery
- Charles Krug Winery
- Charter Oak Winery
- CHASE Cellars
- Château Boswell Winery
- Chateau Montelena
- Checkerboard Vineyards
- Chimney Rock Winery
- Chiron Wines
- Chris Hamilton Cellars
- Chris Pratt Cellars
- Cimarossa Vineyards
- Clif Family Winery
- Cliff Lede Vineyards
- Clos du Val
- Clos Pegase
- COHO Wines
- Colgin Cellars
- Component Wine Company
- Conn Creek Winery
- Continuum Estate
- Coquerel Family Wine Estates
- Corison Winery
- Cornerstone Cellars
- Cosentino Winery
- CourAvant Wines
- Courtesan Wines
- Covert Estate
- Crane Family Vineyards
- CrauforD Napa Valley
- Crocker & Starr
- Crosby Roamann
- Cuvaison Estate Wines
- Dakota Shy Winery
- Dalecio Family Wines
- Dalla Valle Vineyards
- Dana Estates
- Darioush Winery
- Darms Lane Winery
- David Arthur Vineyards
- Davies Vineyards
- Davis Estates
- Del Dotto Estate Winery & Caves
- Del Dotto Napa Valley
- Delgadillo Cellars
- Denali Estate Vineyards
- Depiction Wines
- Detert Family Vineyards
- Di Costanzo Wines
- Diamond Creek Vineyards
- Diamond Mountain Vineyard
- DOGFARM Estate
- Domaine Carneros
- Dominus Estate
- Duckhorn Vineyards
- Duhig Wine
- Dunn Vineyards
- Dyer Vineyard
- Đồi Đá Wine
- Eagle Eye Wine
- Earthshine Wines
- Edge Hill Wines
- Ehlers Estate
- Ehrlich Vineyard
- Eisele Vineyard
- El Molino Winery
- Elan Vineyards
- Eleven Eleven Winery
- Elizabeth Spencer Winery
- Elkhorn Peak Cellars
- Ellman Family Vineyards
- Elusa Winery
- Elyse Winery
- Emerson Brown Wines
- Empress Wines
- Encanto Vineyards
- Envy Wines
- Eponymous Wine
- Essere Franco Wines
- Etude Winery
- Euclid Wines
- Evidence Wines
- Failla Wines
- Fairchild Wines
- Fairest Creature
- Fairwinds Estate Winery
- Fait-Main Wines
- Fantesca Winery
- Far Niente Winery
- Farella Vineyard
- FAUST Wine
- Faustini Wines
- Favia Wine
- Fe Wines
- Fess Parker Family Portfolio, Napa Tasting Room
- Fiadh Ruadh
- FiftyRow Vineyards
- Fine Disregard Wine Co
- Firetree Family Vineyards
- Fisch Family Wines
- Fisher Vineyards
- Five Vintners
- Fleury Estate Winery
- Flint Knoll Winery
- Flora Springs Winery
- Flying Lady Winery
- Foley Johnson Winery
- Folio Fine Wine Partners
- Fontanella Family Winery
- Forgotten Union Wines
- Forman Vineyard
- Forthright Winery
- Fortunati Vineyards
- Fotinos Vineyard
- Frank Family Vineyards
- Freedom Estate Wine
- Freemark Abbey Winery
- Frias Family Vineyard
- Frisinger Family Vineyard
- Frisson Wines
- Frog’s Leap Winery
- Futo Estate
- Gaderian Wines
- Gallegos Wines
- Gallica Wine
- Gamble Estates
- Gamling & McDuck
- Gandona Estate
- Gargiulo Vineyards
- Gemstone Vineyard
- Gentleman Farmer Wines
- Ghost Block Estate Wines
- Gibbs Napa Valley
- Girard Winery
- Goosecross Cellars
- Grace Family Vineyards
- Grand Napa Vineyards
- Grape Culture
- Grassi Wine Company
- Gratus Vineyards
- Greater Fool Wine
- Green and Red Vineyard
- Greer Wine
- Greyscale Wines
- Grgich Hills Estate
- Grieve Family Winery
- GRO Wines
- Groth Winery
- Guarachi Family Wines
- Gustavo Wine
- Haber Family Vineyards
- Hagafen Cellars
- Hailstone Vineyards
- HALL Winery Rutherford
- HALL Winery St Helena
- Handwritten Wines
- Harbison Estate Wines
- Hardten Family Vineyards
- Harlan Estate
- Harumph Wines
- Hayfork Wine Company
- Haynes Vineyard
- HdV Wines
- Heibel Ranch Vineyards
- Heimark Vineyard
- Heitz Cellar
- Helena View Johnston
- Hendry Ranch Winery
- Heritage School Vineyards
- Hertelendy Vineyards
- Hesperian Wines
- Hess Persson Estates
- Hestan Vineyards
- Hibou Wine
- Hill Family Estate
- Hindsight Wines
- Hobel Wines
- Holman Cellars
- Honig Winery
- Honrama Cellars
- Hoopes Vineyard
- Hope & Grace Wines
- Hossfeld Vineyards
- Hourglass Wine
- Housley Napa Valley
- Howell at the Moon
- Howell Mountain Vineyards
- Hudson Ranch & Vineyards
- Hunter Glenn Estate
- Husic Vineyards
- Hyde Wines
- Ilsley Vineyards
- Impensata Wine
- Implicit Cellars
- In Vino Felicitas Wines
- Inglenook Estate
- Ink Grade Estate
- J Gregory Wines
- J. Moss Wines
- JACK Wines
- Jacob Franklin Wines
- Jaffe Family Wines
- JaM Cellars
- James Cole Estate Winery
- Jarvis Estate Winery
- Jasud Estate
- JAX Vineyards
- JCB Tasting Salon
- JDB Wines
- Jean Edwards Cellars
- JennaMarise Wines
- Jericho Canyon Vineyard
- Jessup Cellars
- Joel Gott Wines
- John Anthony Vineyards
- Jon Nathaniel Wines
- Joseph Cellars Winery
- Joseph George Wine
- Joseph Phelps Vineyards
- Judds Hill Winery
- Julien Fayard Wines
- K. Laz Wine Collection
- Kaiser Family Winery
- Kale Wines
- Kanpai Wines
- Kapcsándy Family Winery
- Karl Lawrence Cellars
- Kasten Family Wines
- Kazumi Wines
- Keenan Winery
- Keever Vineyards
- Kelham Vineyards
- Kelleher Family Vineyard
- Kelly Family Vineyards
- Kelly Fleming Winery
- Kenefick Ranch
- Kenzo Estate
- Keplinger Wines
- Kerr Cellars
- KIND Cellars
- Kinsman Eades
- KNA Wines
- Knighton Family Vineyards
- Kongsgaard Wine
- KrisTodd Vineyards
- Krupp Brothers Winery
- Kuleto Estate Winery
- L’Envolée Wines
- La Jota Vineyard Co
- La Pelle Wines
- La Sirena Napa Valley
- Labry Wines
- Ladera Vineyards
- Lail Vineyards
- Laird Family Estate
- Lamborn Family Vineyards
- Lang & Reed Wine Company
- Lanthanide Wines
- Larkin Wines
- Larkmead Vineyards
- Laura Michael Wines
- Lawer Estates
- Leaf & Vine Winery
- Lerner Project
- Leto Cellars
- Levendi Winery
- Lewelling Vineyards
- Lewis Cellars
- Lindstrom Wines
- Lish Wines
- Lithology
- LJ Crafted Wines
- Llamas Family Wines
- Lokoya Winery
- LOLA Wines
- Long Meadow Ranch Tasting Room & Farmstead
- Long Meadow Ranch Winery
- Longfellow Wine
- Lost Valley Ranch Wines
- Louis M. Martini Winery
- Lúnasa Wines
- Lüscher-Ballard Wine
- M.S. Torun Winery and Ranch
- Macauley Vineyard
- MaCo Vineyards
- Madonna Estate
- MadoroM Vineyards
- Madrigal Family Winery
- Majuscule Wine
- Maldonado Vineyards
- Malk Family Vineyards
- Marciano Estate
- Maria Concetto Winery
- Marilyn Merlot
- Mario Bazán Cellars
- Mark Herold Wines
- Markham Vineyards
- Maroon Wines
- Marston Family Vineyard
- Martin Estate
- Massican
- Materra Cunat Family Vineyards
- Mathew Bruno Wines
- Matt Morris Wines
- Matthew Wallace Wines
- Matthiasson Winery
- Maxville Winery
- Mayacamas Vineyards
- MC4 Wine
- McKahn Wines
- McKenzie-Mueller Vineyards & Winery
- Melka Estates
- Memento Mori Wine
- Mending Wall Winery
- Merryvale Family of Wines
- Merus Wines
- Meteor Vineyard
- Mi Sueño Winery
- Michael Pozzan Wines
- Michael-Scott Wines
- Migliavacca Wine Company
- Migration Wines
- Mike & Molly Hendry
- Miner Family Winery
- Mira Winery
- Mirror Wine Co
- Modus Operandi Wines
- Mondavi Sisters Collection
- Montagu Wines
- Monticelli Brothers Winery
- MONTICELLO Napa Valley
- Moone-Tsai Wine
- Morisoli Vineyard
- Morlet Family Vineyards
- Mount Veeder Magic Vineyards
- Mount Veeder Winery
- Mowe Napa Valley
- MTGA Wines
- Mumm Napa
- Museion Napa
- Myriad Cellars
- Napa Cellars
- Napa de Oro
- Napa Native
- Napa Valley College Estate Winery
- Napastäk Wines
- Navone Family Wines
- Neal Family Vineyards
- Neiman Cellars
- Nellcôte Wine
- Nemerever Vineyards
- Neyers Vineyards
- Nichelini Winery
- Nicholson Jones
- Nickel & Nickel
- Nid Tissé Wines
- Night Wines
- No Love Lost Wine Co
- Non Nocere Wine
- O’Brien Estate Winery
- O’Shaughnessy Winery
- Oakville Ranch
- Odette Estate
- Oestermann Family Wines
- Okapi Wines
- Olabisi Winery
- Olney Family Vineyards
- Opus One
- Orin Swift Cellars
- Ortega Family Wines
- Otra Vez Winery
- Outpost Wines
- OVID Napa Valley
- Oxbow Cheese Wine Merchant
- Padis Vineyards
- Page Wine Cellars
- Pahlmeyer Wine
- Palazzo Wine
- Palisades Vineyard
- Palmaz Vineyards
- Paloma Vineyard
- Paoletti Estates Winery
- Parable Wines
- Paradigm Winery
- Parador Cellars
- Paraduxx Winery
- Parallel Wines
- Paravel Wines
- Pas de Cheval
- Patel Napa Valley
- Patent Wines
- Patland Estate Vineyards
- Patria Wines
- Paula Kornell Sparkling Wine
- Peace Water Winery
- Peacock Family Vineyard
- PEJU Napa Valley
- Pellet Estate
- Perchance Estates
- Perliss Estate Vineyards
- PerUs Wine
- Pestoni Family Estate Winery
- Peter Franus Wines
- Phamus Wines
- Phifer Pavitt Winery
- Philip Togni Vineyard
- Piazza Del Dotto
- Picayune Cellars & Mercantile
- Pilcrow Wine
- Piña Napa Valley
- Pine & Brown
- Pine Ridge Vineyards
- Pink Girl Wines
- Plinth Wine
- PlumpJack Winery
- Poggi Wines
- Pope Valley Winery
- Porter Family Vineyards
- Portfolio Winery
- Post Parade Wines
- Pott Wine
- Prager Winery & Port Works
- Pride Mountain Vineyards
- Priest Ranch Wines
- Prime Solum Winery
- Progeny Winery
- Promontory
- Prothro Family Wines
- Pulido-Walker
- pureCru Wines
- Pym-Rae, Tesseron Estate
- Quilt & Co
- Quintessa Winery
- Quivet Cellars
- Quixote Winery
- R.A. Harrison Family Cellars
- Rahn Estate
- Random Ridge Winery
- Rarecat Wine
- Raymond Vineyards
- RAZI Winery
- RD Winery
- Realm Cellars
- Red Cap Vineyards
- Red Thread Wine Company
- Redmon Wines
- Regusci Winery
- Reid Family Vineyards
- Relic Wines
- Retro Cellars
- Revana Family Vineyards
- Revelette Wines
- Reverie II Winery
- Rewa Vineyards
- Reynolds Family Winery
- RH Wine Vault
- Richard Partridge Wines
- Riverain
- Rivers-Marie Wines
- Road 31 Wine Co
- ROAM Napa Valley
- Robert Biale Vineyards
- Robert Craig Winery
- Robert Foley Vineyards
- Robert Mondavi Winery
- Robert Sinskey Vineyards
- Roberts+Rogers
- Robinson Family Vineyards
- Rockmere Wines
- Rombauer Vineyards
- Romeo Vineyards & Cellars
- Roots Run Deep Winery
- Round Pond Winery
- Roy Estate
- Roy Piper Wines
- Ru Vango
- Rudd Winery
- Ruston Family Vineyards
- RustRidge Winery
- Rutherford Hill Winery
- Rutherford Ranch Winery
- S.R. Tonella Cellars
- Sabina Vineyards
- Saddleback Cellars
- Saintsbury Winery
- Salexis Wines
- Salvestrin Winery
- Sarah Francis Wines
- Sawyer Cellars
- Scalon Cellars
- Scarecrow
- Scarlett Wines
- School House Vineyard
- Schramsberg Vineyards
- Schweiger Vineyards
- Sciandri Family Vineyards
- Seavey Vineyard
- Second Line Wines
- Selah Wines
- Sequoia Grove Winery
- Sequum Wines
- Seven Apart
- Seven Stones Winery
- Shadybrook Estate Winery
- Shafer Vineyards
- Shanti Wines
- Shed Creek Cellars
- Sherwin Family Vineyards
- Shibumi Knoll Vineyards
- Shypoke Vineyards
- Signorello Estate
- Sill Family Vineyards
- Silver Oak
- Silver Stag Winery
- Silver Trident Winery
- Silverado Vineyards
- Simon Family Estate
- Sinegal Estate
- Sire Estate
- Sjöblom Winery
- Sky Vineyards
- Sleeping Giant Winery
- Smith Devereux Wines
- Smith-Madrone Vineyards
- Snowden Vineyards
- Sodhani Vineyards
- Somerston Estate
- Sommras Napa Valley
- Somnium Wine
- Sosabe Cellars
- Spelletich Family Wine Company
- Spence Vineyards
- Spire Collection
- Spoto Wines
- Spottswoode Estate Vineyard & Winery
- Spring Mountain Vineyard
- St Clair Brown Winery
- St Helena Winery
- St. Supéry Estate Vineyards & Winery
- Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars
- Staglin Family Vineyard
- Stags’ Leap Winery
- Stanton Vineyards
- Sterling Vineyards
- Stewart Cellars
- Stone the Crows Wine
- Stony Hill Vineyard
- Stormy Weather Wine
- Storybook Mountain Vineyards
- Stout Family Wines
- Stråla Vineyards
- Stringer Cellars
- Studio 1299A
- Sullivan Rutherford Estate
- Summit Lake Vineyards
- SummitVine Wine
- Surh Cellars
- Sutter Home Winery
- Swanson Vineyards
- Switchback Ridge
- Sylvan Lake Vineyards
- Sylvie Estate
- T-Vine Winery
- Tamber Bey Vineyards
- Tank Garage Winery
- Taplin Cellars
- TATE Wine
- Taub Family Vineyards
- Taylor Family Vineyards
- Teachworth
- Teaderman Vineyards
- Tedeschi Family Winery
- Tela Wines
- Tench Vineyards
- Tenuta Foppa & Ambrosi
- Terra Valentine
- TEXTBOOK Napa Valley
- The CIA at Copia
- The Crane Assembly
- The Debate Wine
- The Grade Cellars
- The Mascot Wine
- The Napa Valley Reserve
- The Prisoner Wine Company
- The Studio by Feast it Forward
- The Terraces Wine
- The Vice Wine
- The Vineyard House
- The Vineyardist
- The Wager
- The Wine Foundry
- The Wine Thief
- Theorem Vineyards
- Thorn Hill Vineyards
- Tierra Roja Vineyard
- Titus Vineyards
- Tobias Vineyards
- Tom Eddy Winery
- TOR Napa Valley
- Tournesol Wine
- Trefethen Family Vineyards
- Tres Perlas
- Tres Sabores
- Trespass Vineyard
- Tribe & Arrow
- Trifecta Wines
- Trinchero Napa Valley
- Trinitas Cellars
- Trois Noix Wine
- Trotter 1/16th Wines
- Truchard Vineyards
- Trujillo Wines
- Tulocay Winery
- Turley Wine Cellars
- Turnbull Wine Cellars
- Unwritten Wines
- V Sattui Winery
- V Wine Cellar
- V12 Vineyards
- Vangone Estate
- Varozza Vineyards
- Veeder Ridge
- Venge Vineyards
- Vermeil Wines
- VGS Chateau Potelle
- Viader Vineyards & Winery
- Vice Versa Wine
- Vida Valiente Winery
- Villa Ragazzi
- Vincent Arroyo Family Winery
- Vine Cliff Winery
- Vine Hill Ranch
- Vineyard 29
- Vineyard 36
- Vineyard 7 & 8
- VinRoc Wine
- Vintners Collective
- Vinum Cellars
- Voces Cellars
- Volker Eisele Family Estate
- Wäldele Family Wines
- Wallis Estate
- WaterMark Wine
- Waugh Family Wines
- Wenyon Winery
- Wheeler Farms Winery
- Whetstone Wine Cellars
- White Rock Vineyards
- Whitehall Lane Winery
- William Cole Vineyards
- William Harrison Vineyards & Winery
- William Hill Estate
- Wine Country Connection
- Wing Canyon Vineyard
- Witchery Wine
- Wolf’s Head Wines
- Work Vineyard
- World’s End Wine
- Yan Cellars
- Yao Family Wines
- Yates Family Vineyard
- Young Inglewood Vineyards
- Yount Ridge Cellars
- Zakin Estate Wines
- ZD Wines
- Zeitgeist Cellars
- Ziata Wines
- Zuidema Wine Co